Gum treatment is recommended by Dr.A.K.Islam when there is visible gum bleeding during check up and there is subgingival calculus deposits present which can not be removed without numbing the patient. This condition is called gingivitis. When the gum treatment is completed and followed up by Dr.A.K.Islam, the patient can have their mouth in healthy condition again.
If the gingivitis is not treated on time as recommended by Dr.A.K.Islam, the patient ends up with a more severe condition when teeth becomes loose and the patient ends up loosing them. This condition is called periodontitis.
Periodontal disease and gingivitis occur when bacteria from plaque colonize on the gum tissue, above and below the gum line. These bacterial colonies cause serious inflammation and irritation which in turn produce a chronic inflammatory response in the body. At that point, the body begins to systematically destroy gum and bone tissue, making the teeth shift, become unstable and completely fall out.